Thursday, March 31, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Kristen Faber

Name: Kristen Faber
Degree: BA

FS²: Who is your dream client?

Kristen Faber: My dream client would be Mila Kunis. I love her and her style!

FS²: Where did inspiration for your collection come from?

KF: I was inspired by a Czech building called the "Dancing House"

FS²: What are you most proud of as far as your accomplishments go in the fashion school?

KF: I'm most proud of my internship and the connections I've made. I'm also proud of how far I've come as a designer.

FS²: What are your plans after graduation?

KF: I hope to do a little traveling and find a job working in knitwear or textile design. The dream would be to open my own company.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Marquis Lao

Name: Marquis Lao
Degree: BA

FS²: Where do you find your inspiration?

Maquis Lao: I find inspiration in many things. There’s so much in the world that
influences my designs and lately it’s been pretty conceptual themes that 
reflect what’s going on in the world today and it’s many issues.

FS²: Where have you interned?
ML: I have interned at a high school, helping to construct the costumes for their
musical so far. But I hope to score an internship with Marchesa or Zac Posen.

FS²: What was the first thing you ever designed?

ML: A canvas bag with hand printed math equations on the bag. ALL HAND
SEWN! It was through a fashion camp that I took part in growing up. 
Machine sewing wise: a horrendous green basic sloper dress for my draping 
class, haha.

FS²: When did you become interested in design?

ML: I became interested in design probably around the age of 5? It’s almost
hard to remember but I knew I wanted to be in fashion when my mom took 
me shopping and I’d look at all the cool things in the store and my mom’s side 
of the family is pretty rooted in dressing to impress. And my mom got me 
these really beautiful Barbie doll dresses that were so detailed. I think all 
these factors is what really got me interested in design.

FS²: What do you listen to while you work?

ML: I think it changes depending on the time of day and what I’m feeling, but I
usually listen to hip-hop/r&b, EDM, and K-pop. EDM is what helps keep me 
up so I can finish my work.

FS²: Have you studied abroad? If so, where and how did that change the way you design?

ML: Florence Spring 2015! It has solidified my design aesthetic as a designer. It’s
made me realize exactly what aesthetic I like doing and what market I want 
to target and it’s just given me the creative awakening that I needed. I advise 
everyone to try and save up for study abroad cause it’s seriously amazing. LIFE CHANGING.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Jasmine Summers

Name: Jasmine Summers
Degree: BA

FS²: Where do you find inspiration?

Jasmine Summers: I find most of my inspiration in history- historical figures, artists, events, etc.

FS²: How did you become interested in design?

JS: I spent a lot of time doing arts and crafts as a kid, so when I was 10 my mom taught me to sew. It seemed a natural extension of the arts and crafts that I already spent so much time doing, and I was better at sewing than I was at drawing so I stuck with it. The lumpy pillows I made soon progressed into sewing garments, so that's how I started getting interested in fashion design.  

FS²: Where have you interned?

JS: I have interned for Rachel Antonoff, Stoll Fashion & Technology, and Macy's, all during a six month stay in NYC last year.

FS²: What kind of music do you listen to while working?

JS: It changes season to season, but at the moment I'm listening to Florist, Rostam, The 1975, and Grimes.

FS²: Did you study abroad? If so, has that influenced any of your designs?

JS: Studying at the NYC Studio was foundational to developing my feminine aesthetic and knitwear focus. 

FS²: Do you have any advice for aspiring designers?

JS: Teach yourself and research what you want to be creating- market, aesthetic, niche. The sooner you can figure out what is right for you to design, the better.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Zane Lehman

Name: Zane Lehman
Degree: BA

FS²: Where do you find inspiration?
Zane Lehman: My collections come to me in my dreams.

FS²: How is your personal style reflected in your work?
ZL: I like to design with strange forms or techniques that haven't been designed before.

FS²: Favorite snack while working?
ZL: Superhero Pop Tarts.

FS²: Any advice for aspiring designers?
ZL: Knowing when and when not to listen to the teachers design advice.

FS²: How did you become interested in design?
ZL: I love to make things with my hands

FS²: Do you listen to any music while working?
ZL: The rhythm of the Juki

Friday, March 18, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Jillian Bond

Name: Jillian Bond
Degree: BA

FS²: How did you become interested in design?

Jillian Bond: I was originally a Merchandising major with an interest in Visual Communication and planned on attending the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise, so I started in a community where they had a sewing class that was mandatory for freshman merchandising students. The first week of that sewing class I fell in love and I knew I needed to be the one designing and making the clothing.

FS²: Coffee order? Tree City or Starbucks?

JB: Tree City! They have this maple latte in the fall that is to die for and a rose lemonade in the spring. And if it's a long day in the studio, I'll grab one of their homemade peanut butter sandwiches

FS²: Music you listen to while working?

JB: The music I listen to while working pretty much depends when the due date is, haha. I definitely listen to fast, upbeat music during all nighters and sewing to keep me awake and moving quickly.

FS²: Most you've spent on fabric?

JB: I can't recall a time where I spent an insane amount of money on fabric, but I have spent about $300 just on yarn. 

FS²: Favorite snack while working?

JB: Does coffee count as a snack? 

FS²: Most proud of?

JB: I am most proud of my senior thesis collection. It is a very emotional collection for me and mirrors who I am as a designer and also a person.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Senior Designer Profile: Leah Haynes

Name: Leah Haynes
Degree: BA

FS²:  I hear you’re doing a collection on childrenswear, where did you get inspiration for your line?

Leah Haynes: My collection is inspired by hiking in the fall. I started with the technical details on hiking gear for adults and mixed in kid-friendly woodland creatures that you might meet on a hike. 

FS²: What are you most proud of as far as your accomplishments go in The Fashion School?

LH: My biggest accomplishment in The Fashion School so far is really just getting to senior year. It's been a tough road but so worth all the hard work! 

FS²: What is your coffee order?

LH: Mocha, no whip, with an extra shot of espresso.

FS²: What is your dream job?

LH: My dream job would be to design a boutique children's brand that uses profits to provide clothing, shoes, and toys to children in need both domestically and globally.  

Monday, March 14, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Kelsi McCafferty

Name: Kelsi McCafferty
Degree: BA

FS²:  How would you define your personal style and how is it reflected in your work?

Kelsi McCafferty: In terms of personal style, I just wear things that I like. It doesn't matter if it's designer label or thrifted, if I like it I will wear it. I always seem to come back to feminine, but eclectic styles, which is definitely how I design as well. My design aesthetic is print focused with a lot of color and fun surface detailing. Fashion should always be fun and I try to keep my designs charming and a little funky.

FS²: Who is your dream client?

KM: My dream clients would be Gina Rodriguez or Mindy Kaling. Two wonderfully inspirational women that I think would appreciate and rock my prints. 

FS²: What is your coffee/tea order?

KM: Herbal tea with a spoonful of honey.

FS²: Any advice for aspiring designers?

KM: Don't take fashion too seriously. I think that a lot of people get caught up in the supposed fashion "do's" and "don't's" and it inhibits their design process. Not everything has to be dark and stormy. Maybe we can make color the "new black" for a change.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Dior Delophont

Senior: Dior Delophont
Degree: BA

FS²:  Where did you intern and how was your experience?

Dior Delophont: I interned in the fall 2014 for Phat Buddha Wear which is a high-end yogawear brand. My experience there was really hands on since it was a small company. I got to actually design a big part of the 2015 collection, I met with the vendors, assisted fittings and was in charge of sending fit changes to manufacturers. I think that my favorite moment was when I got to design a capsule collection for Madonna's personal use. This very positive experience taught me that even though I want to start working for a large company at first, I would like to have my own label one day.

FS²: What is your favorite emoji?

DD: My favorite emoji is High Voltage Sign on Apple iOS 9.3

FS²: Do you listen to music while you work? If so, whats on your playlist?

DD: I do listen to music while I work. I have a very wide range of styles I listen to depending on my mood and my inspiration. Lately my favorite song is 'Good To Love' by FKA Twigs.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Abby Steger

Senior: Abby Steger
Degree: BA

FS²: What is the most challenging part of being a design student?

Abby Steger: Overcoming self-doubt.

FS²: Have you studied abroad? If so, has that experience influenced your designs?

AS: I've studied in Florence, Italy, and worked in NYC, LA, and Minneapolis. Italian design is so bold and passionate, and it taught me to take more creative risks. Every place has its own pulse though, so I like to use a mix of cultures when I design. 

FS²: Who is your dream client?

AS: My mom, who showed me creativity first. 

FS²: What is your favorite snack while working?

AS: Espresso and anything with pesto on it.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Senior Designer Spotlight: Camille Winslow

Senior: Camille Winslow
Degree: BA

FS²: I heard that you are going to China Fashion Week, congrats! What are your thoughts and feelings on that?

Camille Winslow: I am so excited to travel to China this month to show my collection at China Fashion Week! I admire many Chinese designers and I'm inspired by their colorful aesthetic, so I am very grateful for the opportunity to see all of that in person!  

FS²: Where did inspiration from your collection come from?

CW: My inspiration for my Senior collection came from looking at the creative processes of children, and whether outside factors had any impact on their creativity as they grew older. I loved working with K-2nd grade art classes to help me further develop my concept and prints!

FS²: What are you most proud of as far as your accomplishments go in The Fashion School?

CW: I love seeing my progress and how far I've come as a designer since freshman year!  These years have been so full of amazing experiences, like living and interning in NYC, winning an award in last year's show and finishing my Senior collection! I have tried to get thought it all while staying true to my aesthetic and not compromising my designs, and I am most proud of that.  

FS²: Do you listen to music while you’re designing? If so what do you listen to?

CW: I always listen to music while I am designing! Music is another layer of inspiration for me, so what I listen to really depends on what I want the feel of my designs to have.  Lately I've been hooked on ODESZA.  

Be sure to see the next senior designer is for our Senior Spotlight!